Mission Application Photo

Mission Application Photo

Monday, August 14, 2017

Out of Africa

We have been back in the US for three weeks and are finally organized to conclude our mission blog. Included will be mainly pictures of our experiences in Cape Town and on safaris near Kruger National Park.  This may be a long post, but hopefully you can scan through the photos and get a sense of what we experienced.

Darrell and Ann Webster, whom we met at the MTC, accompanied us to South Africa. Darrell is a retired attorney and his missionary assignment was to assist the church legal counsel in West Africa.

Our son, Tyler and his wife, Jessica, joined us also.  Tyler enjoys photography and since Stan's camera was "lost" or "stolen" during the trip, we were grateful that Tyler had photos for some of the points of interest to supplement our I-phone pictures.

 Cape Town South Africa with Table Mountain in the distance.

Cape Town Waterfront

  We enjoyed a filet mignon for $10!!

Canopy walk in a Botanical Garden in Cape Town

One of the oldest residential areas in Capetown called Bo-Kaap and known for its brightly painted houses and quaint cobbled streets.

These hills are known as The Twelve Apostles.  There are actually about 18 peaks, but the name remains.


The cable car going up to Table Mountain

View from the top of Table Mountain

This badger type creature is known as a Dassie and is a close relative to the elephant because of the teeth and feet structure!

View from Table Mountain with Lions Head Peak in the distance

Hiking Lion's Head near Table Mountain

View of Table Mountain from Lions Head.  The clouds would come over Table Mountain and then dissipate.

Various safari pictures from the private reserve areas near Simbavati Hilltop Lodge and Arathusa Safari Lodge

Up close and personal!!

This elephant had an "attitude"!!

 Cape Buffalo


Our Favorite - the Wart Hog


Hitching a ride!!

Wild Dog


 Yes, some of the animals were very close to the vehicles!!


Great Accommodations and Food!!

 Arathusa Safari Lodge

On to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

 The mist from the Falls is in the background

Look who was there 43 years ago!! (This is when Stan toured with the BYU Young Ambassadors.)

 Victoria Falls is the highest falls in comparison to Niagara Falls in New York and Iguazu Falls in Brazil.

 Ready for a helicopter ride over Victoria Falls

Tyler and Stan were looking forward to the ride; Ann was nervous!!

View of Victoria Falls from the helicopter

 Sunset Cruise on the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls

Craft Market at Victoria Falls. Hand painted ornaments

Back in the US.  We attended the "homecoming" for Elder B Nissinen in the Council Creek Ward in a neighboring Stake.  Elder Nissinen was a Zone Leader in our mission.

As Ghanaians would say, "It is finished" or "done".   We reported to the High Council this morning and then spoke in Sacrament meeting about our mission experiences.  Stan wore his African "Kente" tie for the occasion.


  1. I looked at all this and tried to picture it from your eyes and your heart. It was wonderful and amazing! Thank you so much for all you have shared with so many. What an amazing place you have served, and made such a difference as you have served. These memories will stay with you. Dan and I think of Sweden and the people there so often! Your experience has changed your life, I am sure! Wish I could have been there to give you hugs, and hear your report. Thanks again for sharing this with me.
    Elaine Rasmussen

  2. Looking at this has made me miss you even more. It has also made me excited for our trip to South Africa. Thanks for helping us settle into life in Africa. Your friendly spirits made it so much easier to be here. Enjoy post mission life to the fullest.

  3. Your site is actually very attractive. Your own course is actually huge. We need to be existing presently there. I'm comfortable together with your publish. I'll go to a person with regard to much more revise. Many thanks!
    Sabi sands

  4. Outstanding photos and clear explanations/descriptions. It is clear you had a wonderful time with Nancy, Tyler, and Jessica. I LOVED the photo of the young Stan Pace at Victoria Falls and also the aerial photo of Victoria Falls taken from the Helicopter. That's a pretty dramatic drop off for the river! Looking forward to talking with you and Nancy about your experiences. Rob and Susan Thomason

  5. Hi this is Ralph and Solomon from Ghana,it nice meeting you.thank you very much.can you please send us your email address.

  6. Beloved in Christ,GOD is for real and HE knows you and HE sees you and HE still loves you. now,if you too love HIM and Truth,it is important you too come to know a well known documented and verified truth(although,hypocrites try to deny it by telling silly lies);that is the book of Mormon is totally worthless(Never a Tribe of Israel went to the Americas to give birth to the Natives-the DNA test denies it-and far less the Lord JESUS. truly,the so called original manuscript with the "pearl of great price" were mere lists of obituaries written in the old language of Egypt,which Smith had purchased in a library and not discovered in a wood,and the "apostles" in Salt Lake know it well;by the way,'cause Hyrum and Joseph were Freemasons,many rituals followed in the temples come from masonry). We have,already,a perfect testament,which you can find it in the GOSPEL(Galatians 1,6-9,Jude 3-4). May the Grace and the Love of our Heavenly Father find a warm welcome in your soul,so that his Holy Spirit can protect you from deception,sin and hell(Luke 12,1-12);until the day-if,you turn earnestly and with humility to our Lord JESUS to get his personal revelation with his forgiveness and holy freedom;and,so,to taste his fellowship with his peace and mercy-you too 'll enter the joy of Paradise. In God's love and Truth
