Mission Application Photo

Mission Application Photo

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Interesting Tidbits and Fitness Course

We just had to share a few excerpts that made us smile this week.  President Heid asks the missionaries to send him an email "letter" every week; how they are getting along with their companion, any concerns, any positive experiences, gospel lessons taught, investigators, etc.  

One elder, in a leadership position, reported that he had gone on "exchanges' with some of the other missionaries in his area.  He and his companion split up and went with other missionaries to see how things are going, offer suggestions, etc.  During an exchange, he noted that there was neglect on the cleanliness of the missionary apartments.  So, he informed his group that they were to spend time on Friday evening and Saturday morning thoroughly cleaning and then report back their efforts.  These are some of the reports he passed on to President Heid....

Elder A.  ...the apartments are really looking nice.  The bathrooms and toilet smells so good.  The kitchens are perfect.

Elder O.  ...I'd like to bear my testimony that the Tema NewTown apartment is the cleanest in the mission.

"It was remarkable to discover that good amount of missionaries had their bed net fix,(mosquito) and those that did not were encouraged to do so."

Elder M.  The apartment is 100% certified, clean and sweet, good enough to be graded high marks.

President Heid emphasizes self-reliance and being good stewards of what we have been given, so we are sure he was pleased that these elders were taking responsibility and acting independently.

On Monday mornings several women gather for Scripture Study at the church Area Office.  This year we are studying the Doctrine and Covenants, a collection of revelations regarding the restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Each of us takes a turn two or three times during the year to lead the discussion. This group represents a wealth of life and church experience, so there is plenty to share during our one hour together!

Group photo of Sister Scripture Study.  In the middle with the black blouse is Sister Curtis, wife of the Africa Area West President.  On her right is Sister Vinson and on the left is Sister Stanfill, whose husbands assist President Curtis.  The other women serve in various capacities with their husbands; temple workers, assisting with medical and mental issues, literacy specialists, self reliance, two mission offices, website design, financial auditors, etc.!

Tuesday we attended District Meeting in Sun City, an area northeast of the mission home.  On the way there is a market in Ashaiman.  It is always a challenge to drive, so we will let the pictures tell the story.

Only two blocks from the meeting place we got STUCK IN THE MUD!  We wish we had taken a picture, but we were concentrating on getting out of the situation.  We had to navigate a large mud puddle that covered the entire width of a dirt road.  We chose the wrong side and even our 4-wheel drive truck could not get us out.  Locals came with shovels and helped dig around the tires.   Two of our elders, Elder James and Elder Hall, rode their bikes to the rescue and jumped on the back bumper to provide traction.  We were very thankful for the help and we were only 15 minutes late to the meeting!.

 Sun city District Meeting with Elder Tyokolwana bearing his testimony.  He finishes his mission on 20 June and will return to South Africa.  He is the only member of the church in his family.  Elder Hall and Elder James, our two US elders, are the two "heroes", who helped rescue us from the mud.

Smiling group of missionaries in the Sun City District.

Stan is studying the mission handbook!
Stan discussing mission travel reimbursement policy with our two assistants, Elder Quarshei and Elder Oswi Brobbey, both from Ghana.
Filling potholes around our neighborhood!!!

President Heid wanted missionaries to have the opportunity to attend the Ghana temple before it closes for maintenance in July.  He made a real effort to have the "bush" missionaries come to Accra this week.

Enjoying chicken and rice!

Our office elder from the US, Elder Morris, has just learned he will be transferred from the office to the bush on Tuesday.  He will be missed as he is a computer wizard.  However, he has been in the office nine months and has been anxious to be a proselyting missionary!

This is the Ho Zone who came to the temple and also had interviews with the President.

Eating out at Zion Thai, a restaurant in the "happening" area of OSU, not far from the mission office.  The food was great!  The owner is Thai and is married to a Ghanaian.

 In this week's blog, we thought we would have you follow our morning "constitutional" around our neighborhood.  Perhaps it will give you a feeling of what we see every day and give some insight into the routine. 

 The first thing we see, as we leave the apartment, is the walkway toward the gate.  We actually live within a walled enclosure.  Straight ahead is a little room where our guard, Bubba, stays 24/7.

 Once out of the gate we walk/run to the north.  On the right is a bank.

 Up the way, we see this insurance company.  Written on the building is "This is the Doing of the Lord."
 Along the roadside we see many varieties of local flora.  It really is beautiful.

 Along this particular street, we pass this Protestant Church.  There is also a school attached.

 Also along the same street is this travel agent

One of the MANY potholes along the way.  That is why we were so excited to see of them being filled.

This bakery is a popular spot in the mornings.  There is actually a traffic jam and a guard is there to direct traffic. 

This is a vendor shop where locals can buy some provisions.

 A dirt path that parallels a major road called "The Ring."

 A young girl sweeps the dirt.  Her mom has a vendor spot at the corner.

More potholes bring filled!!!

A brand new building is being finished.  We aren't sure if it is a hotel, apartment complex or a business complex.

An apartment complex

This is the back of the Ghana LDS temple complex.  The temple president and his counselors live here in this apartment building.

 More potholes!!

German Embassy

A cluster of vendor shops offering online registrations, variety of store items, small fruit stand, sewing services, etc.

We know that examinations happen here and there are always a lot of people and cars in this area.

This is a brand new apartment complex a block from where we live.

This is the front view of the apartment complex.  Two senior missionaries who help with the legal affairs of the church are moving into this complex. We will have neighbors!

This is the corner across from that modern apartment complex.  Someone wanted to make sure we knew about the deep pot hole!

This is our street.  The modern apartment complex is on the corner where this photo was taken.

Our trusty generator.  The power does go off about once a week.  (It is called Light Out)  We are grateful that the church installed this generator that is large enough for the entire fourplex, but currently only services the two senior missionary apartments.  Stan "bails" water from it frequently during the rainy season and often fills it with fuel.

Finishing the week, we had a farewell dinner at the mission home for six departing missionaries.  However, by the time we added in the office elders, the AP's, the companions, another senior couple from the Area office who assisted, we fed about 25 people.  They all ate like it was their last meal!

Our new office elder, Elder Fuller, was asked to introduce himself.  He is from Washington D.C. and has been a member of the church for five years.

President and Sister Heid with our missionaries who are being released 20 June.  They are departing to Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria and Ivory Coast.

1 comment:

  1. I think there must be a version of chicken and rice in every country in the world!
